1998-2003 of release

Repair and car operation

Лексус RX 300
+ Cars Lexus RX-300
+ Controls and operation receptions
- Options and car routine maintenance
   The general information
   The general data on options and adjustments
   The routine maintenance schedule
   Check of levels of liquids, the control of leaks
   Check of a condition of tyres and pressure of their rating, rotation of wheels
   Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter
   The general checks of brake system
   Check and replacement салонного the filter of a heater and К/В
   Check of a condition and replacement of hoses of an impellent compartment, localisation of leaks
   Check of a condition and replacement of belts of a drive of auxiliary units
   Replacement of a filtering element of an air cleaner
   Check of a condition of system of release of the fulfilled gases
   Check and replacement of spark plugs
   Replacement of a brake liquid, prorolling of brake system
   Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering
   Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts and hinges карданного a shaft
   Check of working capacity of lighting devices, horn and the heater fan
   System EVAP check
   Condition check, adjustment and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Check of a condition of the battery and care it
   Replacement of a cooling liquid (ОЖ)
   Check and adjustment клапанных backlashes
   Check and adjustment of a course of pedals of a working and lay brake
   Check of boots of a lay brake
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Automatic transmission and interaxal differential
+ Трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Basic schemes of electric connections

Replacement of a brake liquid, prorolling of brake system

The general data

The brake liquid through a ventilating aperture of tank GTTS absorbs a moisture. Thereof eventually the boiling point of a brake liquid decreases, that at considerable loading on brakes can lead to formation of steam bubbles in brake lines and lower efficiency of action of brakes.

It is necessary to replace a brake liquid whenever possible in the spring. At car operation in mountain district, on the roads processed by salt, and also in the conditions of sea air containing salt to replace a brake liquid follows a thicket, than it is stipulated in the routine maintenance schedule (see Has undressed the routine maintenance Schedule).

For replacement of a brake liquid the help of the assistant is required, however on HUNDRED this procedure is usually carried out by means of the special device. At prorolling of brake system the car should be parked on an equal horizontal platform.

The brake liquid is poisonous. Do not suck away her mouth through a hose. Store a brake liquid only in capacity to which casual access of children is excluded.

Coal adjournment
Symptoms: soot Presence specifies in reenrichment of a toplivno-air mix or weak intensity of a spark. Causes ignition admissions, complicates start and leads to instability of work of the engine.
Recommendations: whether Check up the air cleaner is hammered, whether fuel level in поплавковой to the chamber is not too high, whether is jammed air заслонка and whether contacts are not too worn out. Try to use candles with longer insulator that raises resistibility to pollution.
Symptoms: Замасливание candles it is caused by deterioration маслоотражательных caps. Oil gets to the combustion chamber through worn out directing valves or piston rings. Causes ignition admissions, complicates start and leads to instability of work of the engine.
Recommendations: Make mechanical regenerative works and replace candles.
Symptoms: the Porous, white insulator, erosion of electrodes and absence of any adjournment. Leads to reduction of service life of a candle.
Recommendations: whether Check up corresponds to requirements of Specifications калильное number of the established candles, whether the corner of an advancing of ignition is correctly exposed, whether too poor toplivno-air mix moves, whether there are no leaks of vacuum of the inlet pipeline and whether valves are jammed. Check up as level of a cooler and whether the radiator is corked.
Too early ignition
Symptoms: Electrodes are melted off. The insulator has white colour, but can be and is polluted owing to admissions of ignition or hit in chambers of combustion of extraneous particles. Can lead to an engine exit out of operation.
Recommendations: Check up калильное number of the established candles, a corner of an advancing of ignition, quality of a mix (whether it is not too impoverished), whether the system of cooling is corked and whether the greasing system normally functions.
Electrospending luster
Symptoms: the Insulator has yellowish colour and the polished kind. Speaks about sudden rise in temperature in combustion chambers at sharp acceleration. Usual adjournment are thus melted off, taking a form of a varnish covering. Leads to ignition admissions at high speeds of movement.
Recommendations: Replace candles (colder, at preservation of a manner of driving).
Short circuit of electrodes
Symptoms: the Waste of products of combustion gets to interelectrode space. Firm adjournment accumulate, forming a crosspiece between electrodes. Leads to ignition refusal in the cylinder.
Recommendations: Remove adjournment from interelectrode space.
Normal condition of a candle
Symptoms: Gray-brown colour and easy deterioration of electrodes. Калильное the number of candles corresponds to type of the engine and its general condition.
Recommendations: At replacement of candles establish candles of the same type.
Symptoms: Soft brownish colour of adjournment on one or both electrodes of a candle. A source of their formation are applied additives to oil and-or fuel. Excessive accumulation can lead to isolation of electrodes and cause admissions of ignition and astable work of the engine at acceleration.
Recommendations: At fast accumulation of adjournment change маслоотражательные caps that will prevent oil hit in combustion chambers. Try to replace fuel mark.
Symptoms: the Rounding off of electrodes with a small congestion of adjournment on the working end. Colour normal. Leads to difficulty of start of the engine in cold damp weather and to increase of the expense of fuel.
Recommendations: Change candles on new, the same type.
Symptoms: Insulators can appear chopped off or треснутыми. The inaccurate technics of adjustment of a candle backlash can result In insulator damage also. Can lead to damage of pistons.
Symptoms: After admissions of ignition during a long time interval of adjournment can be loosened at preservation of working temperature in the combustion chamber. At high speeds of adjournment in flakes come off the piston and stick to a hot insulator, causing ignition admissions.
Recommendations: Replace candles or smooth out and establish into place the old.
Mechanical damages
Symptoms: Can be caused hit of extraneous materials in the chamber of combustion or arise at piston blow about too long candle. Lead to refusal of functioning of the cylinder and to piston damage.
Recommendations: Remove from the engine extraneous particles and-or replace

Replacement of a brake liquid and prorolling of brake system


  1. Disconnect a negative wire from the storage battery.
  2. Remove a cover from the tank of a brake liquid (Components of the impellent compartment which is subject to regular service) see an illustration.
  3. Note a felt-tip pen on a wall of the tank level of a brake liquid that then not to change it. Pump out from the tank a brake liquid, having left on its bottom a layer of a liquid in the thickness about 10 mm.

Do not delete from the tank all liquid, differently air will get to brake system.

  1. Fill the tank with a new brake liquid to a label "MOVE".
  2. After dismantling ГТЦ and also in case it has been devastated, it should be pumped over. For this purpose execute following actions:
  1. Disconnect from ГТЦ brake lines.
  2. Ask to squeeze out the assistant a pedal of a brake and to keep it.
  1. Having corked with fingers branch pipes on ГТЦ, ask to release the assistant a brake pedal.
  1. Repeat procedures b) and c) 3-4 times.
  1. Cautiously, not to curtail, open the prorolling union. It is recommended for 2 hours prior to the beginning of air removal to process the union means for rust removal. If the union does not open, on removal of air from brake system it is necessary to charge operation to a workshop.
  1. Put on one end of a pure transparent hose the prorolling union, and other end insert into a vessel for gathering of a brake liquid. In capacity it is necessary to pour a little a brake liquid and constantly to watch that the hose end has been shipped in it. Also the capacity should be lifted, at least, on 30 sm over the prorolling union to provide pressure and to interfere with air receipt to the prorolling union.
  2. Ask to squeeze out repeatedly the assistant a brake pedal while противодавление to pedal pressing does not become notable. Squeeze out a pedal and open the prorolling union. After the brake pedal will rest against a floor, tighten the union. Clean a foot from a pedal. Repeating this process, pump out about 300 ml of an old brake liquid before occurrence new (she can be learnt on light colour).
  3. Tighten the union of prorolling with effort of 8.3 Nanometers and add in the tank a new brake liquid.
  4. In the same way pump out an old brake liquid from other supports.

The merged brake liquid in any case should be pure and without air vials.

  1. Press a pedal of a brake and check up its free course. It should make 1 ± 6 mm.
  2. Fill in a brake liquid in the tank to noted before level.
  3. Pump over an actuation mechanism (activator) of brake system. For this purpose execute following actions:
    • Establish on a jellied mouth of the tank of a brake liquid the manual pump with a manometre (the tank cover should be removed).
    • Connect to the union of prorolling of the activator the transparent flexible hose which other end lower in the capacity filled with a brake liquid.
    • Create in the tank pressure 1 атм (but no more!) by means of the manual pump.
    • Give the union of prorolling of the activator, let out air and tighten the union with effort of 8.3 Nanometers.
  1. On the working engine check up tightness of system. For this purpose about 10 times press a pedal of a brake with effort 200 - 300 Н (corresponds 20 - 30 kg). The brake pedal should not leave back. Check up on leaks all connections of brake lines.
  2. In summary check up action of brakes on road with not intensive movement of transport. For this purpose it is necessary to make not less than one strong braking, having checked up action ABS. A sign of serviceable work ABS is the pulsation of a pedal of a brake at braking.

Effect of action ABS is better it is shown on road without a covering.