1998-2003 of release

Repair and car operation

Лексус RX 300
+ Cars Lexus RX-300
+ Controls and operation receptions
+ Options and car routine maintenance
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Automatic transmission and interaxal differential
+ Трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   The general information
   + Forward suspension bracket
   + Back suspension bracket
   - Steering
      Checks of components of a steering
      Removal, installation, dismantling and assemblage of a steering column
      Removal and installation of pump GUR and it приводного a belt
      Removal, installation, dismantling and assemblage of the steering mechanism
   + Suspension bracket geometry
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Basic schemes of electric connections

Removal, installation, dismantling and assemblage of the steering mechanism

Assemblage of the steering mechanism with draughts

1 — Assemblage of an intermediate shaft
2 — the Delivery tube

3 — Шплинт
4 — Assemblage of the steering mechanism

Components of a steering drive

1 — the Collar
2 — the Protective cover
3 — the Clip
4 — the Tip of steering draught
5 — the Counternut
6 — Consolidation скобы №2 cases of the steering mechanism
7 — Скоба №2 cases of the steering mechanism
8 — the Case of the steering mechanism

9 — the Fixing washer
10 — Steering draught
11 — Рейка
12 — the Sealing ring
13 — the Teflon ring
14 — the Epiploon
15 — the Stopper
16 — the Plug
17 — the Wire

Components of the steering mechanism

1 — the Returnable tube
2 — the Sealing ring
3 — Пыльник
4 — the Case of the control valve
5 — the Epiploon
6 — the Bearing
7 — Assemblage of the control valve
8 — Teflon rings

9 — the Counternut of a cover of a spring directing рейки
10 — the Lining
11 — the Cover of a spring directing рейки
12 — Springs directing рейки
13 — Assemblage directing рейки
14 — Самоконтрящаяся a nut
15 — Covers of the case of the steering mechanism
16 — the Case of the steering mechanism

Removal and installation

Before removal of the steering mechanism remove a steering wheel since otherwise it is possible to damage a spiral spring.


  1. Establish wheels in position of rectilinear movement.
  2. Remove a steering wheel (see Has undressed Removal, installation, dismantling and assemblage of a steering column).
  3. Disconnect from rotary fists tips of steering draughts (the Door Section see).
  4. Disconnect assemblage of an intermediate shaft (see Has undressed Removal, installation, dismantling and assemblage of a steering column).
  5. Turn out a bolt and remove two collars.
  6. Disconnect from the steering mechanism delivery and returnable tubes.
  7. Turn out two bolts of fastening of assemblage of the steering mechanism and remove it.

Do not damage returnable tubes.

  1. Installation is made upside-down. After installation check up corners of installation of forward wheels.



  1. Remove two returnable tubes with four sealing rings from assemblage of the steering mechanism.
  1. Clamp assemblage of the steering mechanism in a vice.
  1. Put adjusting labels on steering draughts and on their tips then give counternuts and remove tips.
  2. Ослабьте collars and clips of protective covers also remove covers and their fixture.

Measure the left and right covers that then to establish them on former places.

  1. Accurately расчеканьте fixing washers.
  1. Keeping draught a wrench, remove it by means of the special adaptation.

Measure the left and right draughts that then to establish them on former places.

  1. Remove fixing washers.
  2. Turn out an adjustable spanner a counternut of a cover of a spring directing рейки and remove a cover, a spring and directing рейки.
  3. Remove a cover of the case of the steering mechanism.
  4. Keeping a shaft of the control valve, give a self-blocked nut.
  5. Put adjusting labels on assemblage of the control valve and on the case of the steering mechanism.
  6. Turn out two bolts take out the case with assemblage of the control valve.
  7. Remove from the case of the steering mechanism a lining of the control valve.
  8. Wind with a vinyl tape a gear part of assemblage of the control valve not to damage an epiploon edge.
  9. Выпрессуйте assemblage of the control valve together with an epiploon.
  10. Remove from assemblage of the control valve an epiploon.
  11. Put adjusting labels on скобу №2 assemblages of the steering mechanism and on its case.
  12. Wring out a screw-driver a clip скобы №2 and remove it
  13. Remove consolidation with скобы №2.
  14. Turn a stopper clockwise so that through a technological aperture the wire end was visible, then turn a stopper counter-clockwise and remove it together with a wire.
  15. Beat out рейку with the plug from the case of the steering mechanism, remove with рейки the plug and remove from the plug a sealing ring.
  16. Выпрессуйте an epiploon of their case of the steering mechanism.
  17. Check up radial palpation рейки and deterioration of its teeths and compare result to requirements of Specifications of the Head the Suspension bracket and a steering. If necessary replace steering рейку.
  18. Assemblage is made upside-down. Pay attention to following moments:
    • Grease the surfaces designated on an illustration Components of the steering mechanism by white arrows, liquid ГУР, and the surfaces designated by black arrows, - greasing on the basis of MoS 2;
    • Establish epiploons in correct position, do not confuse their party;
    • At stopper installation turn it on a corner 450 ± 50 hailstones.
    • Use new linings and sealing rings, самоконтрящуюся a nut and counternuts;
    • Tighten fixture with demanded efforts;
    • Grease with hermetic Three Bond 1344 carving of a cover of the case of the steering mechanism, a carving of a cover of a spring directing рейки and a carving of its counternut;
    • Regulate a pretightness of the steering mechanism;
    • After a tightening of a counternut of a cover of a spring directing рейки check up a pretightness of the steering mechanism;
    • Before installation of covers make sure, that the aperture in рейке is not hammered by greasing;
    • Tighten collars of fastening of covers;
    • Tighten counternuts of fastening of tips of steering draughts after adjustment of convergence of forward wheels.
  1. Adjustment of preloading of the steering mechanism is carried out as follows:
    • Temporarily establish tips of steering draughts;
    • Tighten a cover of a spring directing рейки with effort of 25 Nanometers;
    • Turn away a cover on a corner 12 hailstones. Back;
    • Turn a shaft of the control valve to the left-to the right 1-2 times;
    • Turn away a cover till the moment of the termination of functioning of a spring directing рейки;
    • Tighten a cover before reception of the pretightness specified in Specifications of the Head the Suspension bracket and a steering.